I just got my hands on Harry Potter Signature Hardback Boxed Set!! I know I am being late by 10 years and basically a loser for reading this awfully late. I mean it is one of the best-selling book series in history!! How could I have not yet read these books?? Almost all my highschool classmates grow up with these titles. I've seen all the movies. But how can it be compare to the original written work? Hee,I can't wait to start on the first book. 😊#happy#harrypotter
I just realized that I had acquired almost 11hours for each day for the last 3months just to read books. I love reading so much that I forgot that I just turned my self into a #bibliophilewithout even knowing it. Bahaya ni.
Anyway,I just finished reading the final book for #thehungergames , Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. All I can say is for the last 70 pages of the book, it was really heart wrenching! I just can't describe it into words! For me it is a really good book because it played with my sense of curiosity a lot. Very interesting indeed.
I promise I will not give out any spoiler since I know the movie is coming out soon. Just I think you will expect many unpredictable & epic scenes by the time the second part of the movie is release in cinemas. For the first part, maybe not so much.
After reading #fiftyshadesofgrey and finished all the trilogy, I've started to read fiction books again. I really love how the plot of the novel & how the characters in the book developed. It kind of reminds me of when I was 12 to14 years old and had so many friends that really love books & I had them to share and comment on what books we should read next. They really love #harrypotter though.
Anyway, I've been searching for #beautifuldisaster for more than two months, I went to almost all bookstores in Shah Alam, Petaling Jaya, & Penang and they were all sold out. I went to buy online, but they said that it will take them one week to replenish the stock. Finally after much awaited, it arrived here today at my house! I can't wait to start reading the series! The book #ifistay will arrive tomorrow. Hope to finish the book soon before the movie comes out.
Any book to recommend for me to read? Let me know. ;)