16th April 2011 : KMS ku!!!

by - Friday, July 22, 2011

This time i would like to upload the pictures that my roommates and i had taken
when we went out to eat at a stall near kms. :)

there are only 4 days left until the last day in kms.
therefore,we went a little crazy in these pictures.
ehem2.harap maaf ye.

fatimah, fatin, piqa, mia, and i!
fiqah wasn't in the picture since she went out for a class trip.
geram juga ni sebab dia takde dalam gambar.grr.

fatimah & fatin

piqa & mia

fatimah-ku! :)

love this picture!

from left: mia,piqa,fatimah,and i.

waktu ni da pukul 7 ptg da..jd we all decided to go back to our room.

sesi penggambaran hari ini tamat! :) 


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